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Can A Cat Die From Snake Bite?

Snakes are naturally one of those dangerous animals that you will want to keep your pets away from, the reason being that they are scary by nature. As a result, so many people are taking extra measures to keep snakes away from their homes. Even though some of these snakes seen around are regarded as nonvenomous and harmless, the truth remains that they are not exactly harmless, as all snakes can bite when threatened or stepped on, and no matter how much protection we give to our cats, there will always be a time that they will leave our watch and go out alone, and you never know what dangerous animals they engage in fights with. This brings us to our question of the day: Can a cat die from a snake bite? Most of our lovely pets, like cats and dogs, love to engage in fights with snakes from time to time, and that’s why all cat owners should be interested in knowing the answers to this question because if you don’t need it today, you might still need it someday, and as the saying goes, no knowledge is a waste. So pay attention as you read; let’s go!

What Happens If A Snake Bites A Cat?

Snake bites can be fatal due to the venom that is injected into the cat’s body when bitten; this incident has become a common occurrence for some of our lovely pets. This doesn’t happen to dogs alone, but to cats as well. The truth is that some of this snake venom is toxic and can cause the animal to bleed to death because it stops the process of blood clotting, so yes, a cat can die from a snake’s bite.

Unsurprisingly, most snakes in North America are nonvenomous, but you have to note that bites from both venomous and nonvenomous snakes can hurt and are equally harmful to cats, as they often carry certain bacteria that cause infections and a good number of parasites as a result of feeding on dead animals while alive.

When a venomous snake bites its victims, it injects deadly toxins known for causing damage to their bodies that can end up being lethal, like hemotoxins, neurotoxins, and cytotoxins, which affect the blood, the central nervous system, and the different cells in the body, respectively. However, a venomous snake does not release toxins every time it bites, but when it does, it is always harmful as it can also lead to tissue death, paralysis, allergic reactions, and kidney failure, especially if not treated carefully and on time.

How Fast Can A Cat Die From A Snake Bite?

A cat can actually die from a snake bite, although this varies depending on the type of snake, the size of the cat, and how quickly treatment is administered. Even a bite from a nonvenomous snake needs treatment because of the bacteria-causing infections in them, which they can inject into the cat’s body, though it won’t necessarily need emergency treatment. On the other hand, bites from venomous snakes like cobras and rattlesnakes can kill a cat after 12 hours of no medical attention simply by ingesting their very toxic venom. Most cats from wide observations, like 80%, have recovered from snake bites, as it takes between 12 and 24 hours to recover if given quick and intensive care by professionals.

The more urgent the treatment is given, the quicker the cat will respond to it and become free from any supposedly harmful ingestion. Quit self-medication; visiting a veterinarian will always produce that everlasting solution.

Can A Cat Recover From A Snake Bite If Not Treated?

Yes and no. Yes, because there is a possibility of a cat surviving a snake bite if the bite was from a nonvenomous snake, but on the other hand, over 60% of cats bitten by venomous snakes who weren’t treated have died because of the toxicity of the venom injected into them. Sometimes, while they can recover without being treated, the one thing you need to know is that it can lead to life-threatening paralysis that might stay permanent in the long run.

How Do I Know If My Cat Got Bit By A Snake?

Snake bites show differently; some snake bites do not puncture the skin, while others do. Nonvenomous snakes, for instance, leave a horseshoe-like (kind of U-shaped) shape on the cat’s body after biting them, while venomous snakes leave two large puncture wounds for cats with short hair. But in the case of a cat with long hair (fur), you won’t be able to see any mark on their skin; rather, you will notice it from the symptoms you see afterwards. So below are 20 symptoms you will see in your cat that will let you know that he has been bitten by a snake, and then you should act fast. While some will show almost immediately, others will start manifesting as a result of long-term effects.

1. Gasping
2. Partial paralysis
3. Blood in urine is called hematuria.
4. Swelling of the bitten part
5. Weak legs
6. Diarrhea
7. Dilated pupils
8. Vomiting
9. Bleeding
10. Weak limbs
11. Lost eyesight
12. Unbalanced gait known as Ataxia
13. Cyanosis of the gums
14. Trembling
15. Dropping eyelids called Ptosis
16. Coma
17. Complete damage to tissues
18. Collapse while running
19. Always sleeping
20. Rapid breathing, also known as Tachypnea 

Treatment Of Snake Bites In Cats

The first and most important thing you need to do is call the vet at once and follow their directions without wasting time, because in all snake bites, the major thing needed to be done (even if you are certain that the snake is nonvenomous) is to prevent and also treat infections, and this is something you must approach professionally because this is the only way the effects of the venom injected into the cat will be reversed or removed.

The first thing to be done is to try and keep the wound below heart level to stop the spread of the venom, which circulates all over the body through blood flow. What must you do before getting to a professional in a situation where there is any form of delay in reaching them? After this, you should head to the vet for an immediate response.

• On reaching the hospital, feeding tubes and intravenous fluids may be required for an effective cure, and in a case where the cat is already having difficulty breathing, oxygen supplementation should be considered to ease breathing.

• Bear in mind that some cats are allergic to antivenin and might react while it’s being administered to them, but it’s important that a corresponding antivenin be used to neutralize the effect of the venom in their system, and sometimes it might even take more than one vial to achieve this.

• Venoms are known as transmitters of bacteria, so antibacterials must be prescribed and administered to cleanse the cat’s body and get rid of any harmful bacteria before they overall contaminate their body system.

How To Prevent Snake Bite In Cats

1. Clove And Cinnamon Oil:

For best results, mix clove and cinnamon essential oils and add them to a spray bottle. Spray should be done in a careful manner, and it should be exactly where you don’t want these snakes to trespass. On a second thought this can also be sprayed on the snake for a more effective result, but it should involve accurate timing because snakes are dodgy and can easily attack while being offended.

2. Do Away With Snakes’ Food Sources:

Overall, snakes are known to feed on frogs, birds, moles, voles, fish, rodents, and even mammals as their primary food, which is why they are often found in areas where all these prey species are dwelling. Mice and rodents often prefer to live in hidden or bushy areas where they can easily hide, so try and get rid of them if you have such places around your home because that will always be snakes major gathering spots. The presence of these preys will always welcome snakes every now and then.

3. Provide Natural Predators:

Surprisingly, there are some little animals that snakes are scared of, and they can serve as a very good repellent as they can help you scare snakes away. Animals like raccoons, foxes, pigs, turkeys, and guinea hens will help you keep snakes away from your premises entirely just with their presence.

4. Proper Landscaping:

As the saying goes, cleanliness is next to godliness, and the same is applicable here. Condoning bushy areas and taller grasses simply means you are providing a home for snake prey, like rabbits and rodents, among others, and these snakes will likely come around for them every time they need food. Form the habit of keeping your grasslands and shrubs down, as this will eventually reduce their hiding options and make them leave that environment because the whole place will become open, revealing them to hunters and putting their lives at risk.

Final Thought

Don’t underestimate the venom of any snake, both the Venomous and nonvenomous types; the truth is that it can kill a cat or even pose a life-threatening threat to them. Rush them to the vet if you saw when the snake bit them or if you notice any of the symptoms mentioned above.



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