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Are Snakes In Canada?

One of the largest countries in the world, Canada is home to a wide variety of animals, from large and dangerous species like cougars, grey wolves, wolverines, coyotes, black bears, and polar bears to smaller and less harmful species like chipmunks, beavers, moose, North American porcupines, Canada lynx, snowshoe hare, and others. I understand that some people will ask, “Is that all?” now. There are only these animals there, right? “Are snakes in Canada? “ is the most often asked question. I made this essay specifically to provide you with clarification because I have seen individuals looking for this information regularly.

Because of its warm climate, which snakes prefer to live in, Canada has every type of snake you can imagine, much like the majority of other nations, so Yes, there are snakes in Canada.

Are Snakes Common In Canada?

Except for Nunavut, Labrador, the Yukon, and Newfoundland, snakes may be found almost anywhere in Canada. Because they are timid and non-aggressive, the majority of snakes found in Canada seek to avoid human contact as much as possible. Due to the warm climate, most of them live in the southern region of the nation. Canada is home to more than 25 different species of snake, 12 of which, according to COSEWIC, are in danger of going extinct. This means that snakes of both the venomous and non-venomous varieties live in Canada.

Fascinating Truths About Canadian Snakes

The majority of snakes in Canada are thought to be harmless; this is inferred from the incredibly few cases of snake bites that have been recorded, and there are no real scientific explanations for why they are so peaceful. We will now talk about some intriguing facts about Canadian snakes that you may not have previously known.

• Tens of thousands of snakes congregate in Manitoba’s snake den in Narcisse each year to mate. Canada is home to the greatest concentration of snakes in the entire globe, and it is also one of the most well-known tourist destinations.

• The blue racer snakes in Canada are currently found in no other place than on Pelee Island.

• Female garter snakes are the most common snakes that are the origin of North America, you find them in every coast and every province, they can store sperm and use it for a single mating, thereby fertilizing their eggs on their own.

• When amid grasses and shrubs, the smooth green snake does not maintain one color, instead it camouflages its color to be like that of the grass or shrubs.

• Canada has the majority of small snakes but there is one called the gray ratsnake, which is referred to as Canada’s largest snake, it can grow up to 2.5 meters in length and is mainly found in Ontario.

• The only snake that can swim and climb trees in Canada is the Eastern Foxsnakes, it has both features.

• Canada Prairie has only one species of venomous snake known as the Prairie rattlesnake. It vibrates its rattle to warn off perceived predators, naturally not aggressive.

• There is only one venomous snake in Ontario, and it is called the Massasauga rattlesnake, they avoid contact with humans because they are shy.

• Out of about 35 species of snakes in Canada, 26 of them are native to Canada and it is believed that climatic changes help in the increase of the number of species.

• There are only two species of the boa family that lives outside the tropics and subtropics, it is called BC’s Northern runner boa.

• During winter most Canadian snakes survive by burying themselves under sandy soils, within burrows, in hollow logs, in bedrock fissures, and some within ant molds depending on the species and region, this method is called hibernating.

• The Northern ring-necked snake’s favorite meal is called red-back salamander.

• Some of them lay eggs while species such as the garter snakes and the massasauga rattler incubated their eggs and hatch them inside their body, they afterward bear their young ones.

• The Eastern foxsnake is only seen around the Great Lakes basins in southern Ontario, Ohio, and Michigan, this means they are rarely found.

• It takes garter snakes between 4 to 10 days before their meal will digest, they have slow food digestion.

• Female snakes are found to be larger in population than their male counterpart, but both of them have two penises and two oviducts respectively.

• The Eastern hog-nosed snake is one of the most interesting among them all, it plays dead when threatened, by rolling over and sticking out its tongue.

• The only province in Canada without a native snake is Newfoundland, although recently they started seeing garter snakes which are believed to have arrived there through the ships.

What Types Of Snakes Can You Find In Canada?

Although there are many different species of snakes in Canada, each one is distinctive and interesting in its way. Some are shy and prefer to leave close to home or even underground since they can’t endure the presence of humans, while the remainder do live peacefully among people. Some are venomous while others are harmless.

Enjoy as I walk you through Canada’s 25 different species of snakes right now.

1. Sistrurus catenatus

Also known as Eastern Massasauga, it is a venomous rattlesnake found in southern Ontario, Canada, and throughout the Midwestern and Eastern United States. They relocate to drier regions during the summer, but in winter, they are mostly found in shrub swamps, along rivers, moist grassland, and wet prairies.

They are small in size and venomous in nature, and their overall choice of habitat is wet environments. They hibernate alone; their venom is poisonous to cells and cytotoxic, which destroys tissues and prevents clotting. They hardly bite unless trampled upon.

2. Timber Rattlesnake:

Also known as Crotalus horridus, it is a venomous snake mostly found in agricultural areas, forests, and floodplains. Generally, their color ranges from yellowish-brown to almost black, and they feed primarily on small mammals, small snakes, birds, and frogs.

3. Queen Snake:

Their adults are between 60 and 90 centimeters in length, and they are generally found near rocky bottom waters (streams and rivers). They are susceptible to evaporative water loss because they have highly permeable skin.

4. Eastern Garter Snake:

Otherwise known as Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis, this is the most common snake in Canada. They are mostly found in busy places such as city parks, and they feel comfortable living around people.

5. Eastern Ribbon Snake

This is a slender snake with a long tail. They are rarely found far from the water and are also called Thamnophis saurita. They prey on fish, invertebrates, and amphibians.

And the rest include:

6. Northern Watersnake, also known as Nerodia sipedon sipedon

7. Red-Sided Garter Snake, also known as Thamnophis proximus parietalis

8. Terrestrial Garter Snake, Thamnophis elegans

9. Plains Hog-Nosed Snake, also known as Heterodon nasicus

10. Dekay’s Brownsnake, also known as Storeria dekayi

11. Plains Garter Snake, also known as Thamnophis radix

12. Gray Ratsnake, also known as Pantherophies spiloides

13. Bullsnake, also known as Pituophis catenifer sayi

14. Eastern Hog-Nosed Snake, also known as Heterodon platirhinos

15. Valley Garter Snake, also known as Thamnophis sirtalis fitchi

16. Eastern Milksnake, also known as Lampropeltis Traingulum Triangulum

17. Smooth Greensnake, Opheodrys vernalis

18. Western Rattlesnake, also known as crotalus oreganus

19. Butler’s Garter Snake, also known as Thamnophis butleri

20. Eastern Foxsnake, also known as Pantherophis vulpinus

21. Puget Sound Garter Snake, also known as Thamnophis sirtalis pickeringii

22. Red-Bellied Snake, also known as Storeria occipitomaculata

23. Maritime Garter Snake, also known as Thamnophis Sirtalis pallidulus

24. Northwestern Garter Snake, also known as Thamnophis Ordinoides

25. North American Racer, also known as Coluber Constrictor

26. Ring-Necked Snake, also known as Diadophis punctatus

27. Prairie Rattlesnake, also known as Crotalus viridis.


Final Thought

Canada has snakes just like every other part of the world, both venomous and no venomous ones but the only difference between Canadian snakes and others is that they hardly bite and that’s why they rarely record snake bite cases in a year.



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