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HomeGuinea pigAre Slugs Harmful To Guinea Pigs? Slugs In Guinea Pig Hutch

Are Slugs Harmful To Guinea Pigs? Slugs In Guinea Pig Hutch

Surprisingly, slugs and other mollusks are normally safe to handle, although that shouldn’t be done frequently as they can harbor parasites that can be consumed or passed on to animals and people through unwashed vegetables, and this is another reason why you need to wash what you eat thoroughly before eating them. Slug, referred to as a land slug by some, is a popular name for any terrestrial gastropod mollusc that appears without a shell. They are significantly more dangerous to all animals than actual slugs, and a pig would quickly spit out a slug or anything covered in slug slime without considering the repercussions, which can be hostile. With all this being said, are slugs harmful to guinea pigs? Keep reading to find out.

Can Slugs Kill Guinea Pigs?

No, but it will trouble their body system. Slugs won’t kill your guinea pigs, but it might be a little problematic if a guinea pig actually ate a slug since it might upset its stomach or have a very slight probability of contracting the lungworm that slugs can spread to animals if they eat them, so it’s best they avoid slugs. Never leave a bowl of pellets or cereal meant for your pigs out on the lawn since it will attract hungry slugs and snails, especially overnight! Maintain the yard as neatly as you can, as they will hardly be seen around clean areas. Always clear the area around their run of any leaves and debris, because this is what attracts them most. Note that slugs might not be toxic, but they are parasite carriers, including lungworm, which can harm pets in general if consumed. Given that they are herbivores and would find them repulsive, I doubt any guinea pig would consider a slug to be food, which means they can only consume slugs mistakenly.

How To Stop Slugs Getting Into Guinea Pig Hutch

There are numerous ways to stop slugs, but first you have to take note of where they pass. Note that they are easily repelled by an electric shock when they come into contact with copper wire because of a poisonous reaction that takes place between the metal and the slime. Here is what to do: wrap the copper wire around the hutch’s legs to deter slugs. And to further prevent them from crawling beneath it, make it tight, bury it a few inches deep in the earth, and then make sure you bend the strips so that the edge stands out at an angle. It will definitely be very effective because the more tenacious slugs that are willing to put up with the discomfort will be deterred by this. Remember to periodically sandpaper your copper because it can lose strength over time.

One of the major advantages is that neither the rain nor the sun can affect it, as it works both wet and dry, being extremely effective and not killing the slug. But light copper won’t be good. For the copper to truly serve as a deterrent, it must be at least slightly thick. This kind of copper can be purchased as strips or adhesive tape. With this same method, slugs are supposedly kept away from plants too, which is another advantage.

Use it sparingly; it is best to be used on containers rather than the borders, not for any reason but for the fact that it can be pricey. It can harm your kids, so keep them away from areas where kids play since the edges might be sharp. You have to be watchful and careful not to build a bridge, because slugs will easily cross if plants touch other plants or the ground and hang over the copper strips, acting as a bridge.

Do Guinea Pigs Attract Slugs?

No, guinea pigs do not attract slugs, but an unheated or filthy hutch does, especially if food remains. Another thing is that you have to avoid setting your Guinea Pig down on any surface, including grass or concrete. Additionally, don’t leave the floor filthy. Make sure to mop up any wet areas within your guinea pig’s hutch area right away because they will quickly become cold and damp and start sending invitations to slugs as your pigs become chilly.

A low hutch will actually affect your pigs. So try to raise your hutch if it is too low, using bricks or something similar. Slugs don’t necessarily like dry surfaces, so add some sand to the area surrounding the hutch’s feet and move it away from walls to prevent them from climbing up onto the roof. This way, your pig’s hutch will look unattractive to slugs, thereby being slug-free.

Do Guinea Pigs Eat Slugs?

No, unless they have to eat it unknowingly, probably together with the leaves. Given that they are herbivores and would find them repulsive, I doubt any guinea pig would consider a slug to be food. If you discover one in their cage, there is nothing to be concerned about as it is there as a result of dirty environment. Simply take it out and tidy up their internal organs. Guinea Pigs don’t even find them particularly enjoyable to eat, therefore they won’t even try to consume them, so you have nothing to worry about.

What Happens If A Guinea Pig Eats A Slug?

Slugs may not be toxic but the fact that it is not meant to be consumed by pigs means that it will cause troubles to them if consumed. Lungworm and other parasites carried by slugs can harm cats, dogs, and hedgehogs so this is another reason why they must not eat it. Slug pellets can therefore be harmful to small furry animals, therefore if your guinea pigs do consume grass at all, you must be extremely cautious when feeding it to them.

When a guinea pig eats a slug, the following symptoms are to be expected:

• Results to heavy panting
• Frequent sneezy behaviors like coughing
• Bleeding that doesn’t clot at all
• Lethargy
• Tendency to hide (as they do with any other illness!)
• Lungworm: This condition has a fatal outcome, it is harmful to the health.
• Mild Irrigation

What Bugs Can Harm Guinea Pigs?

The major ones are Mite, lice, and flea infestations in guinea pigs can result in issues ranging from minor annoyance to death.

Mites are one of the numerous bugs that can harm our guinea pigs, especially those that reside in the skin’s outermost layers. They lead to severe scratching and hair loss. It can actually be cured, but injections to kill the mites are used as a kind of treatment, along with possible antibiotic treatments too.

The next one is a flea. This is another wingless bug that feeds on blood by biting the skin. If the infestation is mild, then it’s easy to cure, but if the infestation is severe, enough blood can be lost to result in anemia and even death. Using a comb or flea shampoo sparingly can get rid of all fleas.

Lice is also another wingless insect that can harm guinea pigs. They reside in a pet’s hair coat and eat the fluids and the skin. Direct contact with them or contact with infected bedding can spread them from infected guinea pigs to uninfected ones, and that way you keep getting new cases daily.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Ants?

The question should be, What do they need ants for? The fact that they are solely herbivores and rely on fiber-rich grass and hay to meet their nutritional needs means that they have little or no interest in ants. They are obviously not something that guinea pigs would eat for any reason, but if they were to accidentally stumble into their home, there would be no harm in guinea pigs eating them except if they were to be some of these dangerous ants, like red ants, which ought to be avoided because they are poisonous.

Insects may be a rich source of protein, which could probably make them a non-essential food source for guinea pigs, but the truth still remains that they don’t need it. However, they might consume them unintentionally, but guinea pigs will never intentionally

What Noises Are Guinea Pigs Afraid Of?

Overall they don’t like noise, but hissing and loud noises like lightning and thunder are really unpleasant to guinea pigs and can easily get them frightened.

They equally have excellent hearing and can pick up noise from a distance so the distance between them and the noice scene doesn’t actually count. Since they are easily startled and will flee from any potential threat, loud noises can be terrifying to them as well as overwhelming to their senses, so it is better to avoid it.

What Animals Are Guinea Pig Afraid Of?

They are small in size and has many predators , but the most prevalent fears are those of people, larger animals, and loud noises. Because guinea pigs are calm, harmless and a prey species and need to be able to hide in a safe place away from things that scare them, there should be enough places provided for all of your guinea pigs to hide at once, and they must be away from the sight and smell of predators such as cats, foxes, dogs, ferrets, and birds of prey.


Slugs can be safe to handle, but they may contain parasites that are toxic if eaten. Therefore, limit your guinea pigs’ contact with slugs to ensure their safety. You can accomplish this by taking the above-mentioned precautions to keep slugs out of your pig’s hutch.




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