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HomeCatCan Cats Eat Activia Yogurt? Probiotic Yogurt

Can Cats Eat Activia Yogurt? Probiotic Yogurt

Cats are meat eaters, they have to have protein from meat for a strong heart, good vision, and a healthy reproductive system. But this does not mean that cats should eat only meat as their source of livelihood, yogurt also has some beneficial nutrients but the one thing that people don’t know is whether cats can eat all kinds of yogurt, and that brings us to today’s question which says can cats eat Activia yogurt? And if they can then to what extent?

Yes, cats can eat Activia yogurt in small quantities, but there are still two things to consider before you let them have it, you should make sure the yogurt does not contain any artificial flavor, color, or sweeteners, plus you have to start giving them a small amount first to see how their body reacts to it.

What Is Activia Yogurt?

Activia Yogurt is a popular brand of probiotic Yogurt that contains probiotic culture, this culture helps to regulate the digestive system. Activia yogurt helps boost the immune system, it helps reduce the frequency of minor digestive discomfort when consumed frequently as a part of a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle.

Is Activia Yogurt Safe For Cats?

Cats are naturally carnivores and most of their diets should be more meat, they should get most of their nutrients from their diets. Kittens can digest lactose because they indeed rely on their mother’s milk to survive, but as they grow older they stop producing the enzymes which enable them to digest it, and this is because they don’t have any need to consume milk.

Consuming yogurt is not overall poisonous for cats but don’t look at it as part of their main diet. Plain yogurt eaten in moderation can be good, but the problem is that some yogurts contain fruits and chocolates which are toxic to cats, some even contain xylitol which is poisonous to cats as well. So if you must give yogurts to your cats, you should be extra careful to make sure it is plain yogurt.

Health Benefits Of Activia Yogurt For Cats

Like every person that loves yogurt, cats also derive some benefits from eating it, I will show you some of these benefits below even though some of them are said not to have scientific proof.

1. Promotes Healthy Bacteria

The probiotics in Activia yogurt help develop healthy bacteria which helps prevent hairballs and gum disease and smoothen digestion. It relieves gas, diarrhea, and stomach cramps symptoms.

2. Prevents Kidney Damage

A little amount of yogurt added to other rich nutrients will form a balanced diet that can give your cat overall good health and this will automatically prevent any form of disease from attacking your cat’s organs including the kidney.

3. Supplies Enough Protein

Of course, meats and fish should form the bulk of their diets but yogurt is also a powerful source of protein that boosts about 9 grams of protein per 6-ounce eaten. Cats steadily long for high proteinous diets because it keeps them lean and energized, so they need at least 2 grams of protein per pound of what’s their body weight at the moment.

4. Prevents Constipation

Researchers found that probiotics in yogurts help prevent digestive issues like constipation thereby creating room for healthy digestion processes.

5. Source Of Healthy Nutrients

Yogurt is rich in calcium and which helps in healthy teeth, bones, and muscles. The magnesium found in yogurt helps cats to absorb all nutrients including all the vitamins, minerals, and potassium, and also helps manage their blood pressure.

It also helps to strengthen the immune system by reducing the cat’s susceptibility to allergies.

Side Effects Of Feeding Yogurt To Cats

Your feline friends are lactose intolerant and don’t know how to digest dairy products very well. So here are some of the harm it can cause them.

1. Allergic Reactions

Allergic reactions in cats occur when they eat new foods they are allergic to, the symptoms include; Vomiting, Diarrhea, Itchy Skin, Swollen Eyes, Runny Nose, and Wheezing.

However, these might not be the only symptoms you will experience when your cat is reacting to allergies but make sure you contact the vet immediately if you notice any unusual signs.

2. Gastrointestinal Problems

Aside from vomiting and diarrhea which happen to be the most common symptoms of gastrointestinal problems which are caused by lactose intolerance in cats, other symptoms are as follows; Lethargy, dehydration, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, and fever.

Watch out for these signs and more, and don’t hesitate to consult a professional for advice if you do.

3. Diabetes

Too much sugar in the body results in high blood glucose levels and this leads to diabetes. For cats, this is one of the most common health issues that linger and can affect their heart and kidney. Some of the symptoms that come with it include; excessive thirst, frequent urination, lack of appetite, and weight loss.

4. Obesity

Cats can become obese by eating yogurt, obesity is caused by excess intake of calories, artificial sweeteners, and foods that are not balanced. You can avoid this by providing a balanced diet and by quitting sugar and high-calorie treats.

5. Pancreatitis

This is when the pancreas is swollen and inflamed, pancreatitis is a life-threatening sickness that comes as a result of extra burden on the pancreas, it is caused by excess sugar intake.

Do Cats Like Activia yogurt?

Just like people’s body systems react differently to what they eat, so is cats. Some cats get their stomach upset by the smell of yogurt, this set of cats should not be fed yogurt to avoid further problems, while the rest of the cats will love to eat yogurt if given permission.

The fact that cats are lactose-intolerant means that they should avoid dairy products such as milk, yogurt, and cheese, so their love for milk does not make it good for them to consume.

What Quantity Of Yogurt Can I Give My Cat?

Am sure you are talking about the quantity of yogurt that will be safe to give your cats. First of all, you should make sure to give them only plain yogurt with no flavors, no fruit, no colors, and no sugar, and neither will it contain xylitol as a sugar substitute. All these could be toxic to cats and that’s why you must avoid them.

Based on the amount of yogurt that will be safe for them, I will advise you to contact the vet, don’t do this based on mere experience, because that can put your cat at a lot of risk.

What Other Foods Are Harmful To Cats?

I know that sometimes you might want your little pet friends to have a taste of what you are enjoying, that’s thoughtful but just make sure it will be healthy for them.

Not everything healthy for you as a human is equally healthy for them and that is why you need to know those foods that you need to keep away from them at all costs to avoid getting them into trouble.

These fruits include; Citrus fruits e.g. Lemon, Coffee, Alcohol, Grapes & Raisins, Onions, Garlic, bread containing yeasts, scallions, dairy foods, and coconut.

Can Kittens Eat Yogurt?

Kittens’ stomachs are very sensitive and may react negatively toward yogurt, moreover, they have their mother’s milk to concentrate on or their balanced kitten food if weaned. That will be all they need to have a balanced diet, yogurt can do them more harm than good.

Best Yogurt For Cats

The best yogurt for cats is any type of yogurt without any artificial sweeteners, fruits, or sugar, which is plain and unsweetened yogurt such as Greek Yogurt, all these additions can be toxic to cats.


Cats are naturally carnivores, meat, and fish should make up the major part of their diets and they will always have a balanced diet. Plain yogurt is safe in moderation but cats are naturally lactose intolerant which means that milk, yogurt, and every other dairy foods are not healthy for them. Cats can eat Activia yogurt but don’t give it to them because they don’t need it.

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